Vegan nutrition in sport?

Is it possible to be active in competitive sport on a vegan diet? And what role do proteins play here? Find out.
Proteins - what do they do exactly?
Proteins perform many different tasks in our body. Among others, they are a component of muscles, hormones and transport proteins in the blood. That's why we all need an adequate amount of protein, whether a competitive athlete or not! Athletes have a slightly greater need for protein.
Animal vs. plant protein
Proteins are found in both animal and plant foods. Plant protein sources are legumes, tofu or Quorn, for example. However, starch products, nuts and vegetables also contain protein, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. The type of protein differs from protein source to protein source. The body benefits the most when several different sources of protein are consumed during the course of a day.
Which nutrient "boosts" performance?
The notion that protein is primarily responsible for physical performance is still prevalent. It has long been known that the muscle primarily relies on carbohydrates for its performance. A high-protein diet that pays too little attention to carbohydrates will therefore not result in peak athletic performance.
Nutritional knowledge is essential
Anyone who pursues high goals in competitive sports cannot avoid a differentiated analysis of their diet. Whether or not this diet includes animal products is secondary. An important aspect here is that the body is supplied with all the necessary nutrients it needs for peak performance and subsequent recovery.